Arts and culture where you are, when you need it
Kulturarenan is an online meeting place for arts and culture, and is intended for people who otherwise find it difficult to find relevant cultural experiences. It provides access to music, dance, graphic arts, literature and other forms of expression from our leading venues.
It is a human right to be able “to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits” (UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 27).
How do I use it?
Using Kulturarenan is easy! All you need is a screen, regardless of whether it’s the screen of a computer, a mobile phone or a tablet. If there are several or many people watching, you can connect the device to a larger screen using an HDMI cable, Apple TV or Chrome Cast. The hardest part is choosing the day’s cultural experience!
What is on offer
Kulturarenan provides four rooms –the concert hall, the stage, the cinema and the museum –and features artistic content from Sweden’s biggest cultural performers, Studio Acusticum, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Musik i Syd, the Stockholm Concert Hall, Filmarkivet (the Film Archive) and many more.
Background and running of the initiative
Kulturarenan is run by Betaniastiftelsen, in collaboration with cultural venues and healthcare providers from across Sweden. The service is developed in collaboration with Piteå Municipality, with support from the Swedish Arts Council and Region Norrbotten.
Betaniastiftelsen is a non-profit foundation that uses a holistic view of people to conduct activities within three profile areas: palliative care, existential health and crisis communication. The target groups for its work include sick people, close relatives and healthcare staff, as well as other individuals and groups who need support. The foundation is a member of Famna.